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Make Your ME Time Magical

  • March 7, 2023
From scrumptious gold coins to lucky green clovers, it's no secret that March is a magical month. Bring a little magic to your ME Time with the simples ideas listed below!

With our free Perfectly Pieced Coloring Page, the project of your dreams is at your fingertips! Break out the crayons and let your imagination run wild with possibilities for your next projects.

Remember, creativity = magic!

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Whip up something sweet to sip as you stitch! Might we suggest a homemade Italian Soda? Add a little syrup and cream to your favorite soft drink and enjoy! (Click here for recipe ideas.)  
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Hundred of ideas are waiting to be discovered on the ME Time Pinterest Page. Take a peek and see

what catches your eye!

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ABOUT ME TIME: Every machine embroiderer knows how frustrating it can be to find the time and materials to start a new project. ME Time delivers complete machine embroidery experiences right to your doorstep so you can start creating the moment you're ready! 

Click to learn more about ME Time subscriptions.


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