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Favorite Things Featuring Erin May



Erin is the VP here at ME Time, and the mind behind many of your favorite projects. She is often found choosing fabrics, designing projects, and hosting the live unboxings of Perfectly Pieced. She has an incredible eye for detail and it shows in the beautiful things she creates!

Read on for a few of Erin's favorite things. Who knows - they might become your favorite things, too!


  1. Favorite podcast? Second Life. This podcast chronicles mid-life career changes, showing us that it's never too late to follow our heart!
  2. Favorite movie?  Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Far From the Madding Crowd (the romance - swoon! the clothes - double swoon!!)
  3. Favorite book of all time? To Kill a Mockingbird (I know it's cliche, but it really is the best!)
  4. Favorite recent book? A Girl Called Samson by Amy Harmon. Based on a true story, Deborah Samson disguises herself as a man to join the revolutionary war. Of course, her commanding officer is deliciously handsome...
  5. Favorite fabric designer? Alexia Marcelle Abegg and Kimberly Kight for Ruby Star Society
  6. Favorite music/musician/album to listen to during your ME Time? Classic 70s rock
  7. Favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee
  8. Favorite soda? Diet Coke (only with fresh lime!)
  9. Favorite comfort food? Popcorn
  10. Favorite place you’ve visited? San Juan Islands, WA
  11. Favorite candy? Bit-O-Honey and black licorice
  12. Favorite movie quote? "It's not yogurt, it's mayonnaise." From Notting Hill 
  13. Favorite historical figure? Teddy Roosevelt
  14. Favorite sewing/crafting tool (besides sewing machine)? Rotary Cutter, ruler, and a mat (you can't have one without all 3!)
  15. Favorite fabric store? Suppose in Preston, Idaho
  16. Favorite thing to have by you when you stitch? Mini-iron and wool felt ironing mat
  17. Favorite gift you have ever given - or received? My daughter, Sicily, "crocheted" me a scarf for Christmas when she was really young, but it was really just a big mess of knotted yarn with a few crocheted parts. It was adorable!
  18. Favorite breed of cat or dog(or other pet)? Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  19. Favorite kind of machine embroidery project? Zipper pouches - or anything with a zipper installed in-the-hoop
  20. Favorite person to sew/craft with? My daughters! After I made my Perfectly Pieced quilted jacket [view the jacket here], my 14-year-old daughter, Piper, told her two best friends that I would help them make jackets too. Then their moms joined in! After all 6 of us completed our quilted jackets, we wore them out to dinner together!
  21. Favorite craft room organization tool? Stacking caddies with lids and handles.
  22. Favorite season to decorate for? Christmas - it's actually the only holiday I decorate for. Who has room to store all the decorations??
  23. Favorite way to display your projects? My favorite thing to sew is clothing, so I guess I display them on myself!

Watch Erin in the latest Perfectly Pieced Live Unboxing!


Join Erin for the December Perfectly Pieced Live Unboxing on November 21st at 2:00pm MST.

RSVP here!



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