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Make Your ME Time Happen

  • January 10, 2023
We can all agree on one thing:  life is busy ! If we're not careful, our precious machine embroidery time can easily slip through the cracks. Read on for three practical tips to make sure your ME Time happens !

Taking time for yourself isn't selfish! Prioritize the things that bring you joy and you'll feel rejuvenated when the time comes to take care of other responsibilities.

Smiling women working on an embroidery machine
For a smooth creative experience, it helps to prepare your project materials ahead of time. With a ME Time subscription, this step is easy! We deliver  everything  you need right to your doorstep, so you can start creating the moment you're ready.
 Smiling women working on an embroidery machine

Your ME Time shouldn't be an afterthought! Schedule time for yourself on the calendar and make sure your family knows you're planning on it.

A ME Time red weekly planner
Use our free weekly calendar to make your ME Time Happen! Fill it out with your appointments, plans with loved ones, and, of course, your Machine Embroidery Time! 


ABOUT ME TIME: Every machine embroiderer knows how frustrating it can be to find the time and materials to start a new project. ME Time delivers complete machine embroidery experiences right to your doorstep so you can start creating the moment you're ready! 

Click to learn more about ME Time subscriptions.





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