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Machine Embroidery Tips
  • October 2, 2023
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." 
- Ferris Bueller

Hobbies like machine embroidery are meant to be enjoyed! As you stitch your next project, try slowing down a bit and savoring the experience. Do you love the hum of your machine as it stitches? What about the feeling of you duckbill scissors gliding through fabric? There's nothing wrong with setting goals and deadlines for our projects, buy they should never encroach on the joy of machine embroidery! 

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We all want beautiful results for our projects and there's one question the makes all the difference in that pursuit: which stabilizer should I use? ME Time has a FREE Stabilizer Reference Chart to help you decide! Print it off and hang it in your craft room for easy access!

Download the FREE Stabilizer Reference Chart


Expand your insight by listening to audiobooks and podcasts as you stitch! Did you know there are over four million podcasts on Spotify? No matter your interests, there's a podcast for you! Check out the ME Time team's favorite educational books and podcasts below!

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ABOUT ME TIME: Every machine embroiderer knows how frustrating it can be to find the time and materials to start a new project. ME Time delivers complete machine embroidery experiences right to your doorstep so you can start creating the moment you're ready! 

Click to learn more about ME Time subscriptions.


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