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Favorite Things Featuring Joanna



As the ME Time Kitting Supervisor, Joanna makes sure your monthly delivery is beautifully packaged and arrives at your doorstep with everything you need. On top of machine embroidery, Joanna is also a veteran quilter! She made her first quilt over a decade ago!

  1. Favorite movie? An Affair to Remember
  2. Favorite book of all time? Don’t have oneFlower Fabric Bundle
  3. Favorite fabric designer? Joanna Figueroa
  4. Favorite music/musician/album to listen to during your ME Time? Adele
  5. Favorite ice cream flavor? Rocky Road
  6. Favorite soda? Dr. Pepper 
  7. Favorite comfort food? My mom’s scalloped potatoes 
  8. Favorite place you’ve visited? Atlantis-Bahamas
  9. Favorite candy? Milk Duds
  10. Favorite sewing/crafting tool (besides sewing machine) Mini ironSF-717-A-01
  11. Favorite fabric store. My Girlfriend’s Quilt Shoppe
  12. Favorite thing to have by you when you stitch. Snacks and Swigs Drinks.
  13. Favorite gift you’ve ever given - or received? Homemade ornaments from my granddaughter.
  14. Favorite breed of cat or dog (or other pet)? I like cats. I don’t have a specific breed.
  15. Favorite kind of machine embroidery project? Simple and quick. Perfectly Pieced is great!
  16. Favorite person to sew/craft with? I don’t. So I’ll say myself…or the TV.


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Each month ME Time will feature an employee, influencer, partner, or customer within our market. We will share some of their favorite things and hopefully, they will become your favorite too! 

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