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Stabilizer School: Wash-Away Stabilizer

  • May 16, 2024

When you begin a new machine embroidery project, one of the first decisions you have to make is what stabilizer to use. Picking the right stabilizer is a crucial decision that will affect your experience and the final result of your project. Taking time to learn what stabilizer does, and which stabilizer works best for your project, can make your projects run smoother and look better. Stabilizer School is here to help you learn about stabilizer so you can spend your “ME Time” creating beautiful projects and not stressing about stabilizer.

This month, we’re talking about the most magical of stabilizers : Wash-Away Stabilizer. We’ll also explore Wash-Away Sticky-Back Stabilizer and Wash-Away Topping.

What is Wash-Away Stabilizer?

All machine embroidery projects need stabilizer to prevent moving and stretching during stitching. As its name suggests, wash-away stabilizer provides this support during stitching, then disappears when water is applied. It is most commonly used on projects that have delicate or sheer fabrics, batiste, chiffon, etc., or when you don’t want the stabilizer to show on top or bottom of the finished project, i.e. freestanding lace, cutwork, reverse applique, and more. Some examples include the Wreath Spikes and Balsa Wood projects from the Let’s Celebrate Bella Box.

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Why use Sticky-Back Wash-Away Stabilizer?

Sticky-Back Wash-Away stabilizer is a powerful combination of two stabilizer staples. It provides the convenience of Sticky-Back stabilizer for hard-to-hoop projects with the water soluble features of Wash-Away stabilizer. As an example, Hoop Studio’s Amelia Botanical Banner uses Sticky-Back Wash-Away to float the banner in the hoop to stitch and apply the raw edge applique.  


How is Wash Away Topping Used?

Wash-Away topping is used a bit differently than other stabilizers. It is a smooth, transparent stabilizer placed on top of embroidery projects. It is used on high-pile fabrics such as terry cloth, minky, velvets, knits, and fleece, and holds the fabric down while allowing the stitches to sit on top of the material without sinking deeply. The Let’s Celebrate Bella Box uses Wash-Away Topping when applying the minky fabric on the Happy Dog Cinch Sack project.


Helpful Tips for Tear-Away:

  1. Only use Wash-Away stabilizer on fabrics that can get wet. 
  2. Wash-Away stabilizer is a great choice with intricate stitching that would be difficult to remove Cut-Away or Tear-Away stabilizers from. 
  3. If a project has a lot of stitches, Wash-Away Stabilizer does not provide as much support as Cut-Away or Tear-Away stabilizers.
  4. If you get your rolls of stabilizer mixed up, apply a small amount of water to the corner, if it starts to dissolve, you know it is a roll of Wash-Away Stabilizer.


Kimberbell's super handy Stabilizer Reference Chart is a great way to discover the ins and outs of every variety of stabilizer and determine what is best for your specific project! 

ABOUT ME TIME: Every machine embroiderer knows how frustrating it can be to find the time and materials to start a new project. ME Time delivers complete machine embroidery experiences right to your doorstep so you can start creating the moment you're ready! 

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