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Collectible Christmas Alternate Colorway

Looking to reimagine your machine embroidery Holiday Village? An alternate colorway opens up all sorts of...

Make Your ME Time Fresh

Being fresh can bring a renewed sense of energy and positivity to both you and your home. Here are a few tips on how to...

5 Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Machine Embroidery Projects

We’ve all been there! You set out to create a beautiful project, but somewhere along the line, it gets ruined. How...

Make Your ME Time Magical

From scrumptious gold coins to lucky green clovers, it's no secret that March is a magical month. Bring a little magic...

Three Machine Embroidery Must-Haves!

From stabilizer to thread kits, the ME Time Store offers an array of support materials for your ME Time projects!...

Machine Embroidery Monthly Tip - Zippers

MACHINE EMBROIDERY TIP - ZIPPERS Have you ever wanted to add a zipper to the back of a pillow that you created using an...

Machine Embroidery Monthly Tip - Leather


Make Your ME Time Happen

We can all agree on one thing: life is busy ! If we're not careful, our precious machine embroidery time can easily...

Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My First Machine Embroidery Project

I didn’t know the first thing about Machine Embroidery when I was originally hired here at ME Time! In fact, I had...